Each Sunday for the Month of February 2023, NHMBC featured four members of the church community to give a video presentation of "A Moment in Black History.
What does it mean
Black History Month means looking back at the impact pioneers and leaders of the Black community have had on our community, organizations and cities. It means celebrating and honoring the legacy these leaders have laid for future generations to follow. It means supporting the advancement of the Black community amidst the racial injustices that continue to happen throughout the U.S. today.
It means educating ourselves further and honoring the fact that we would not be where we are today without the innovative contributions these Black leaders and pioneers have made — and to remind ourselves daily that Black history cannot be contained to a single month but should celebrated year-round.
Click on the video to presentation to see and hear what it means to them.
Deacon Willie Ross
Mother Ruby Keith
Minister Dr. Jennifer Sims
Deacon Clarence Chambers